Since I typically make my menu each Sunday before I go grocery shopping and always look through this blog for inspiration for something different, I thought I would start posting my weekly menu so I can also easily look back over my menu's for ideas. There are plenty of things I throw together each week that don't require a recipe!
I am going to start trying to post this each week but can't make any promises! Closer to the end of the week I typically make easier things, things that don't make a lot of leftovers, and things that if I don't make will still be a meal in a week or two when I decide to make it, so you will often see a meal recycled there.
Pork Chops, Baked Potatoes, Spinach
Chicken over Rice covered squash, zuchini, mushrooms with lemon juice
Tuna Rotini Casserole
Tacos, beans
Shrimp Jumbalaya
Tuna Sandwiches, Chips
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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